Sunday, October 5, 2014

Jumpers Are Worth Every Penny

Harper LOVES her jumper. It is worth every penny we spent on it. She could sit in that thing all day if we would let her. And it is so funny to watch her just go to town jumping. Sometimes I swear she is going to bounce herself right out of the thing. Its great to make her leg muscles stronger, but its also a great way to tire her out when she needs to go to bed :) I would highly recommend every parent gets one of these. Its a life saver.
The curls are ridiculous. Just like her daddy's hair was!


H spends at least a half hour in this thing every day. Plus she has one at daycare, too!

Daycare has been going really well, too, for those of you that have asked. Every day I go to get Harper and she has the biggest smile on her beautiful face. She loves kids, too, and I am pretty sure that is because of daycare. No matter where we are, if she sees kids, her eyes just light up and the legs start kicking. She's going to be such a social butterfly! Wonder where that came from....?

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