Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What a difference a week makes!

Last week I attempted to give H some rice cereal. Let's just say she was less than thrilled....Our child that barely even cries screamed at me like eating cereal was some form of torture! But today was a whole new ball game! SHE LOVED IT!

She was actually grunting between bites because I wasn't getting it in her mouth fast enough! It was just adorable. What a little chunker, as you can see by her thighs :)

I can't believe this peanut is going to be 5 months old tomorrow! Where in the world has time gone?! We are trying so hard to just enjoy every single moment because if that last 5 months have gone this fast, we will be planning her 1st birthday party before we know it.

The strangest part about it is that it feels like she has always been here. Sometimes it is kind of hard to imagine our lives without her. But then morning rolls around and blissfully remember the days when I could sleep as long as I wanted.... Ahhh life before parenthood. But you know what? I wouldn't trade these times for anything in the world! Not even a 5 hour nap... because rushing out of work to pick her up from daycare and see that smile is all I need to get me through this sleep deprived time of my life!

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