Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'.....

Harper hit a huge milestone over the last few days- She started rolling over to her tummy! It's so exciting! I almost teared up when I saw her do it for the first time. OK, I cried. I admit it. But it's such an incredible feeling to see her hit such big milestones! Time is just flying by. It's exciting, but I wish I could slow it down.

Unfortunately there is a downside to all of this excitement. Once she rolls over to her tummy, she's stuck. The Peanut can roll from her back to her tummy, but hasn't quite figured out how to go from her tummy to her back. So what does that mean? Well, it meant I had a very loooooong night. I lay her down on her back, thirty seconds later she rolls to her tummy. She cries because she realizes she doesn't like it and there's nothing she can do about it. I go downstairs and roll her back over. By the time I get back to my bedroom, I look at the monitor and she's already back to her tummy. I laugh and grit my teeth and go back down to roll her over. Last night this cycle repeated for about two hours.

Aside from her crying screaming over this (something she rarely does), I am freaking out because I just know she is going to roll over in the middle of the night while I am asleep and I'll be sawing logs, doing nothing about it. All you moms out there will understand why this scares the bejesus out of me.

But, thanks to the internet, I was able to relax a smidge last night once I did a little research. Don't worry- It was on legit sites. Not Yahoo! answers ;). Anyway, pretty much everything that popped up was "My 4 month old rolls to her tummy and can't flip back". "My 4 1/2 month old rolls to her tummy while sleeping. Should I be nervous?" You get the picture. Luckily, everything I read and all the people I talked to in real life reassured me that all babies do this and she will be just fine. I needed to relax. If she is strong enough to roll over, she is strong enough to hold her head up. Whew! I feel a lot better now. Glad I have such good friends that listen to my frantic stories and calm me down. Being a first time mom is crazy.......

Now if I could just get her to stop crying every time she rolls over and realizes she is stuck. Between you and me, it is kind of funny. I laughed at her last night. I'll just blame that on being delirious.

Shout out to the iBaby- Best baby cam EVER! Both of the photos in her crib are from the middle of the night while it was pitch black in her room. Kinda feel like a creeper, but I'm her mom. I'm entitled to creep.

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