Monday, September 29, 2014

And It's Time to Lower the Crib Mattress......

The time has come. We need to lower the mattress in the crib. It's so exciting but also crazy at the same time. Harper is already almost 7 months old. It's like I have been living in a fog since she came into this world. I barely even remember her being a newborn, but at the same time it feels like it was just yesterday.

Our good friends Nick and Sara came over last Saturday to BBQ on what I bet will be the last beautiful Saturday of the year. They just had beautiful baby girl named Maddie (Harper's best friend forever) three weeks ago. While I was holding Maddie I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that H was even smaller than Maddie... only 6 months ago. It totally brought a tear to my eye because I just kept trying to understand how time goes by so fast, but at the same time it goes by so slowly. I sound crazy, but if you are a parent you TOTALLY get it.

Anyways, so back to the crib needing to be lowered. Why you ask? Well:

Yep, that's H on all fours. Big girl!! She will be crawling before we know it. Baby gate, anyone?

Here are a few more for you to enjoy. Until next time!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Six Months Already?!

You have got to be kidding me. The Peanut is six months old already. How in the world does time go by that fast? It feels like just yesterday that munchkin entered the world and gave me a run for my money.

And she has grown a ton! Just look at these two pictures!

Don't get me wrong, she's still a peanut.... At her 6 month check up she only weighed 15 lbs! I think she gets her petiteness from Jay's mom, because she definitely didn't get it from me ha! She has gained a grand total of 9 pounds and grown 7 inches. Growin like a weed :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Daddy time!

Daddy's girl already. This became apparent to me when she was about 4 months old and I was putting her to bed. Our nightly routine is for her to eat her last bottle in her jammies while we rock in the rocking chair. But that night Jay was working later than usual so Harper didn't get to see him before she went to sleep. Well, as I was rocking her, I noticed that she kept staring at her bedroom door and didn't want to fall asleep..... she was looking for her dad! Figures :)

Last Saturday I was at a gym class with one of my friends in the morning and when I came home, H and Jay were cuddling upstairs. I went to give her a hug and a kiss and she rolled into Jay's arms instead. Sometimes I think she gets sick of me and only wants him :) That's OK, though. I have already come to terms with the fact that eventually, when the Peanut wants something or gets herself into trouble, I am going to be the bad cop. Someone has to lay down the law! Good cop and mom I believe is how my good friend Phil Dunphy referred to it as LOL

Harper already has Daddy wrapped around her teeny, tiny little finger. And he knows it, which makes it even more funny. He already says he is going to buy her a BMW when she is 16. This girl doesn't even realize how good she has it already!

So here is to the two (three if you count Koby) loves of my life.

Love these two so so much!